Planned Giving
Leave your Legacy
Legacy gifts or “Planned Giving” is a wonderful way to help Happy Tails continue our mission to rescue, protect and improve the lives of homeless and abused animals throughout the Sacramento area.
Legacy gifts can take many forms, but all share the unique characteristic that they allow you to contribute more to ensure that a Happy Tails cat or dog will find a second chance at life.
It’s through the generosity and foresight of our supporters who have made these estate gifts that Happy Tails is able to continue with its many programs and rescue efforts.
Many kinds of Legacy Gifts can often provide the Donor with financial incentives and tax benefits. You should consult your attorney or estate planning expert for help with your specific situation.

Two common types of planned giving are:
1) Life Insurance Policies:
- Beneficiary – You can name Happy Tails as the primary or secondary beneficiary on an existing policy for all or a percentage of the policy amount.
- Paid-up Policy – You can transfer the ownership of a paid-up life insurance policy to Happy Tails.
- New Policy – You can purchase a new policy and name Happy Tails as the beneficiary and irrevocable owner.
2) Bequests:
- Specific bequest – Directs a stated dollar amount or property to pass to Happy Tails.*
- Percentage bequest – Designates a percentage of the total value of the estate as a gift to Happy Tails.
- Residual bequest – Directs that Happy Tails receive the remainder of the estate (or a portion of the remainder), after all expenses and other bequests have been made.*
* Suggested wording and information your attorney will need:
- Specific bequest – I hereby give and bequeath to the Happy Tails Pet Sanctuary, a nonprofit California corporation, with its principal offices located at 6001 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95819, EIN #68-0317260, (the sum of $) or (x% of my estate) or (the following property) to be used for its general purposes.
- Residual bequest – I hereby give and bequeath to the Happy Tails Pet Sanctuary, a nonprofit California corporation, with its principal offices located at 6001 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95819, EIN #68-0317260, all the rest, residual and remainder of my estate, both real and personal to be used for its general purposes.
Need more Information
For more information about these types of gifts or other giving opportunities, please e-mail, or speak directly with your Advisor.